The Power of Your Network

I started actively networking around 2010 in Dallas. I’ve met so many wonderful people in the course of networking. But friendships and awesome individuals aside, your personal network if part of the value you bring to anyone and anything. A very strong networker/ connector – Ed Danis – used to say that as a consultant you are only as strong as your network. You will never have all the answers and you should not expect to, but with a strong enough network, you can find the right people to solve the problem.

Many people fear having to network. The often find the 30 second to 60 second “elevator” pitch to be formulaic and impersonal. If your one of these people, then I encourage you to connect with at least one of these people at each meeting and schedule a time to meet for 30 minutes or an hour. Grab coffee or drink someplace, and just be genuinely interested in what they do. Challenge yourself to see how many people you can think of that could benefit from what they do. I find the key in network is to be genuine and to see how you can actually help others. You want to learn what they are especially good at. You want to be the person that will contact to find the right person to do something.

As of this writing, the mask restrictions have been lifted in Davidson County, TN. Lets use the time to establish or re-establish those connections. Lets build human connection again. Lets do with with face to face contacts and actually getting to know each other a little bit better. Be the person that adds value wherever you go!